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BCR Bar Code Reader BIOS Basic Input output System
BDC Backup Domain Controller BIT Binary Digit
BMP Basic Multilingual Plane BOF Begimming of File
BRAN Broadband Radio Access Networks BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
CAL Common Application Languaage/Computer Assisted Learnimg  BPI Bytes Per Inch
CAE Common Application Environment BPS Bits Per Second
CAD Computer Aided Design CAI Computer Assisted Aaided) Instruction
CAL Computer Aided Learning CLR Common Language Runtime
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing CMOS Complementry Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CAT Computer Aided Translation CNC Computer Numerical Control
CAQ Computer Aided Auality Assurance COLBOL common Business-Oriented Language
CC C Compiler COM Component Object Module
CPN Central Processing Node COMAL Common Algorithmic Language
CDOT Centre For D CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CDR Compact Dise Recordable CSI Common System Interface
CDROM Compact Dise Read Only Memory CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CDRW Compact Dise Rewritable CT Computerized Tomography
CDR/W Compact Dise Read/Write CTCP Client-To-Cliend Protocol
CGA Color Graphics Array CD Compact Disk
CGI Common Gateway Interface/ Computer Graphics Interface CTS Clear To Send
DA Data Administrator CU Central Unit
RAM Random Access Memory CUA Control User Access
ROM Read Only Memory CNC Computer Numeric Control
DAA Data Access Arrangement DIVX Digital Video Express
DAC Digital To Analog Converter DLL Dynamic Link Library
DAP Directory Access Protocol DLP Digital Light Processing
DASD Direct Access Storage Device DMA Direct Memory Access
DB Database DNS Domain Name System
DBA Database Administrator DOS Disk Operating System

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