Under Consignment arrangement, when goods are transferred from one place to another, there is a possibility of loss in transit. The loss can also take place in the godown of the consignee. The loss may occur due to factors like evaporation, leakage, mishandling etc., or due to some accident or theft. Such losses can be broadly divided into two types.
a) Normal Loss and
b) Abnormal Loss
Let us discuss the exact nature of these losses and their accounting treatment,
11.4.1 Normal Loss
It is a loss which is due to tile inherent nature of the goods consigned. It may arise in the process of loading and unloading of goods, breaker of bulk pieces into smaller ones, weighing or due to evaporation, processing, etc. For example while loading or unloading 01. Weighing coal, some part is bound to fall down in powdered form. Similarly the petroleum products are bound to lose weight due to evaporation or leakage. This type of loss is unavoidable. It can be reduced to some extent but cannot be eliminated altogether. Since this loss occurs in the ordinary course of business and is on account of inner characteristics of the goods, it is ‘called a normal loss.
Nonnal loss is not shown separately in the books of accounts. The cost of 11011nal loss is spread over the remaining units, thereby increasing the cost per unit of the goods. For example 10,000 tons of coal is sent on consignment costing Rs. 100 each. The normal wastage is 12% i.e. 200 tons. Let us see how normal loss leads to an inflated cost price per unit.
Total units = 10,000 tons
Normal Loss = 200 tons
Remaining units = 9,800 tons
10,00,000 will now be the cost of 9,800 tons as the cost of nonnal loss is
borne by the remaining units. The cost per unit will therefore be 10,
00,000/9,800 = Rs. 102.04 approximately.
As stated
earlier, no separate entry is passed for the normal loss. The effect of this is
reflected in the valuation of closing stock only.
If the
consignee is able to sell all the goods so that there is no stock left unsold,
the question of normal loss becomes irrelevant. The problem arises only when
some goods are left unsold with the consignee. In that case we shall first
calculate the inflated cost per unit as explained above, and then the closing
stock shall be valued by multiplying the number of units in stock with the
inflated cost per unit. The value of closing stock call also be computed
directly (without calculating the inflated cost per unit) with the help of the
following formula.
Cost of Goods Consigned x Unsold Units/ Remaining Units
Look at Illustration 4 and see how the closing stock is valued when there is normal loss
consigned 2,000 tons of coal at Rs, 50 per ton to Shyam of Delhi, He paid Rs.
20,000 as freight. Due to normal wastage 1,950 tons only were received by
Shyam. He paid Rs. 5,000 as unloading charges. Goods sold were 1,300 tons. You
are required to calculate the value of closing stock.
11.4.2 Abnormal Loss
The loss which occurs due to negligence, inefficiency or
some accident is treated as abnormal loss. For example loss of goods due to
fire, floods, earth quakes, riots. War, theft etc. Such a loss does not occur
on account of inherent nature of the product but on account of the operation of
certain external forces.
Abnormal loss is calculated in the same manner as the value of closing stock.
In other words in order to calculate the abnormal loss all the proportionate non-recurring expenses,: incurred up to the point of loss are also added to the cost of abnormal loss units. The formula. For calculation of abnormal loss is as follows:
Cost of Abnormal Loss Units=Na of Abnormal Loss Units x Cost per Unit
Since the abnormal loss is not incidental to the
consignment, il should be shown separately in the books of accounts. The total
abnormal loss is credited to the Consignment Account. The following entry is passed
in the books of the consignor.
To Consignment A/c
(Being loss on account of ...)
i) Uninsured a
ii) Partially Insured
iii) Fully Insured
1) When
the loss is Uninsured: : In case the abnormal loss is not insured with an
insurance company, the total amount of the loss is transferred to Profit &
Loss Account by passing the I following entry.
To Abnormal Loss A/c
(Being Abnormal, Loss transferred to P&L A/c
2) When the loss is Uninsured: : In case the abnormal loss is not insured with an insurance company, the total amount of the loss is transferred to Profit & Loss Account by passing the I following entry.
To Abnormal Loss A/c
(Being Abnormal, Loss transferred to P&L A/c
3) When the loss is partially insured: In case. The abnormal loss is insured and the claim is admitted for a part of the loss then the following entry is passed.
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Abnormal Loss A/c
(Being partial claim admitted)
Nothing is
transferred to the Profit & Loss Account as the claim for the whole amount of
loss had been admitted by the insurance company. No loss is to be borne by the
Look at Illustration 5 and see how abnormal loss is calculated and trialed in the books of accounts.
Effect of abnormal loss on valuation of closing stock: The
value of closing stock is also effected in case of abnormal loss. Abnormal loss
may occur either in the godown of the consignee or in transit. Let us see the
effect of abnormal loss on the closing stock under both situations,
When the abnormal loss occurs in the godown of the consignee the valuation of closing stock is not affected because the expenses incurred after reach the godown of the consignee are not to be taken into account for the purpose. Hence, the normal formula will be followed for the valuation of closing stock. Look at Illustration 6 and see how the abnormal Ioss and the value of closing stock is calculated when the abnormal loss occurs in the godown of the consignee.
Illustration 6
Vanaspati Ltd. consigned 5,000 kg, of Vanaspati ghee to Ashoka Dealers, Chandigarh. Each kg. of ghee costs Rs. 8. Vanaspati Ltd. paid Rs 50 for carriage, Rs. 250 for packing and Rs. 200 for insurance in transit.
After three months from the date of the consignment of goods Ashoka Dealers reported that 3,500 kg. of ghee was sold @ Rs. 9.50 per kg. and expenses were Ks. 500 on godown rent and Rs. 750 on salesmen salary. Ashoka Dealers are entitled to a commission of 5% on sales 500 kg. of ghee was accidentally destroyed in the godown. Insurance claim of Rs. 3,500 was admitted. Prepare the necessary ledger accounts in the books of both the parties.
Books of Vanaspati Ltd.
Consignment Account
Cost of 500 units = 4,000
(500 x 8)
Add Proportionate
Non-recurring expenses
Look at Illustration 7 and see how closing stock and abnormal loss are calculated and treated when such a loss occurs in transit.
Illustration 7
On June 10, 1988, Modi Br Co., Patiala consigned 500 cases of goods costing Rs. 150 each to Sethi & Co., Calcutta. On the same date, the consignor paid Rs. 2,500 for freight and carriage Rs. 1,000 as loading charges, and Rs.1, 200 for insurance. On July 1, 1988 the consignee paid Rs. 1,809 for clearing charges, Rs. 1,750 for warehousing and storage charges, and Rs. 900 for packing and selling expenses. He also remitted a bank draft for Rs. 15,000 as an advance against the consignment. On July 5, 1968 they sold 275 cases at Rs. 200 each. Sethi & Co. are entitled to 5% commission on the gross proceeds of sales. It is found that 50 cases have been lost in transit. Sethi & Co submitted an account sale on July. 10, 1988. Prepare the necessary ledger accounts in the books of the consignor.
1 All expenses incurred by the consignor and the clearing charges incurred by the consignee are non-recurring expenses.
2 Abnormal Loss:
Number of Abnormal Loss Units x Cost Price per Unit
+ (Non-recurring Expenses up to the point of loss x Abnormal Loss Units/Total Units Consigned)
Since these
expenses are incurred on total consignment i.e., 500 units, the proportionate
amount of expenses for consignment stock will be.
4,700 x 175/500 Rs. 1,645
Now the value of closing stock will be as follows:
Where Normal and Abnormal Losses Occur Simultaneously
In the Illustration done earlier you had either the normal loss or the abnormal loss on the consignment. But it is quite possible that both normal and abnormal losses occur simultaneously in connection with the same consignment. In such a situation, the abnormal loss will be calculated in the same manner as discussed in sub-section 11.4.2. But, the valuation of closing stock needs special attention as the normal loss is also involved. In order to calculate the value of closing stock the following procedure will be followed:
i) Take the total cost of goods consigned and
add all the non-recuing expenses incurred by the consignor as well as the
ii) Deduct the quantity and cost of abnormal
loss from the total number of goods consigned and the cost as obtained in (i)
above respectively.
iii) Deduct the quantity of normal loss from the
quantity worked out in (ii) above without making any adjustment in cost.
iv) Now you will be left with the cost of goods
of the good units with the consignee. Calculate cost per unit of these-units by
dividing the cost (remaining after deducting the cost of abnormal loss) by the
number of good units.
v) Multiply the number of unsold units with the
cost per unit obtained in
iv) Above
to arrive at the value of unsold stock.
Look at
Illustration 8 and see how cost of abnormal loss and the value of unsold stock
are calculated when the normal and abnormal losses occur simultaneously.
Deepak Oil Mills, Cochin consigned 2,500 kg. of castor oil to Madhu & CO., Varanasi on April 1, 1987. The cost of oil was Rs. 18 per kg. The consignor paid Rs. 900 towards carriage, freight and insurance in transit. During transit 250 kg. Oil was accidentally destroyed for which the insurance company paid Rs. 2,200 in full settlement of the claim directly to the consignor.
Check Your Progress-B
Fill in the blanks
i) Losses occur either due to inherent nature of
the product or due to operation of
ii) Loss of weight due to evaporation is a
.................. loss.
iii) Normal loss affects the valuation of..................
iv) Abnormal loss is .................. to
Consignment Account.
v) Insurance claim is .................. to Abnormal Loss Account. The amount of loss not accepted by the insurance company is transferred to................... Account
2 How will
you treat abnormal loss if,
a) loss is
fully insured: .....................................................
b) loss is
uninsured: ....................................................
C) loss is partly insured: ..............................................
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