You know for each consignment the consignor prepares the consignment Account,
the Goods Sent on Consignment Account and the Consignee's Account in his books,
whereas the consignee prepares the Consignor's Account and the Commission
Account in his books. In Unit 10 you learnt that all transactions relating to
consignment are first recorded in the Journal and then posted into the above
mentioned ledger accounts. Sometimes, you may be, asked to prepare the ledger
accounts directly i,e, without passing any journal entries. You should
therefore learn how to prepare these accounts directly. You should debit the
Consignment Account. With the cost of goads consigned, expenses
Illustration 1
Gursharan & Co. of Delhi consigned on January 1, 1998, 50 cases of glassware costing Rs. 40.000 to Singh & Co. of Calcutta for sale on commission @ 5% on gross sale proceeds. Gursharan & Co. paid Rs. 500 for freight and carriage and Rs.600 for packing.
Singh & Co. took the delivery of goods on January 5, 1988 and paid Rs. 300 for clearing charges, Rs. 200 for carriage, Rs. 50 for miscellaneous expenses, and Rs, 100 for godown rent.
They sold 15 cases @ Rs. 1,000each, 25 cases @ Rs. 1,200 each and 10 cases @ Rs. 1,100 each.
On April 5, 1988 Singh & Co. sent a bank 'draft for Rs. 15,000 to Gursharan & Co. on account, On April 10, 1988 Singh & Co. forwarded an Account Sales together with a bill of exchange for the balance due.
Prepare the necessary ledger accounts in the books of both the parties.
Consignment to Singh & Co's Account
Bad Debts
Insurance of the goods in the godow
Selling and Distribution Expenses.
You will notice that all expenses incurred by the, consignor are considered for valuation of I 1 the closing stock. The problem arises only in case ‘of consignee's expenses. The consignee's expenses which are to be included in the value of closing stock are those expenses which are incurred till the good reach the godown of the consigned. All other expenses incurred thereafter are ignored for purposes of closing stock valuation.
Look at Illustration 2 and see how the unsold stock is valued.
Illustration 2
A sent goods worth Rs. 10,000 to B and Paid Rs. 1,200 for packing and Rs. 800 for insurance B took the delivery of the good and paid Rs. 2,000 for freight, Rs. 400 for cartage and unloading, Rs. 600 for godawn rent, Rs.400 400 as selling expense? And Rs. ROO for insurance, B sold three fourth of the goods for Rs, 1,800. Calculate the value of closing stock.
11.3.2 Accounting Treatment of Unsold Stock
Since the value of unsold stock affects the profit or loss on any
consignment, its valuation! And recording in the books of consignor is very
important, lt is shown on the credit side of Consignment Account for which the Following
journal entry will be passed.
To Consignment A/C
(Being the value of closing stock)
The Consignee, however, will not pass any entry for the closing stock. It is because he is not the owner of the goods and does not pass any entry even when he receives or returns the goods, Look at Illustration 3 and see how the closing stock is valued and treated in the books of account.
Illustration 3
On January 1, 1988 Universal Sports, Delhi consigned 180 cases of sports goods costing: Rs: 360 each lo Gemini Sports, Bombay. They paid Rs. 360 for insurance and Rs. 1.800 for freight. Gemini sports are entitled to a commission of 10% on gross sales.
Gemini Sports received the consignment on January 15 and sent a 60 days bill for 17s '10,000 Lo Universal Sports. The bill was discounted for Rs. 9,900. On opening the cases the consignee found 10 cases of wrong description and returned them, paying return freight of Rs 400.
Gemini Sports sold 120 cases @ Rs 600 each for cash and 20 cases @ Rs. 700 each on credit. Gemin1 Sports spent Rs. 720 on clearing charges and Rs. 600 on carriage outwards. They incurred bad debts amounting to Rs 400. The accounts were settled on June 30, and the balance remitted by cheque. Show necessary ledger accounts in the books of both the parties.
Books of Universal Sports, Delhi
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