Recording in the Books of all. Co-venturers


 Recording in the Books of all. Co-venturers

Under the second method, all transactions relating to the joint venture are recorded in the books of all the co-venturers. In order to complete the Joint Venture Account in the books of all co-venturers, each co-venturer sends the necessary information about his dealings to the other co-venturers. There is not much of a difference in the recording of transactions berween the first and the second method. We will be having similar entries in the joint venture accounts in each co-venturer's books who shall all open the personal accounts of other co-venturers. Look at Illustration 3 to clearly understand the recording of transactions under the second method.

Illustration 3

Arvind and Babloo entered into a joint venture agreeing to share profits and losses equally. The following transactions took place during the course of venture:


Arvind bought goods for cash                            2,550

Babloo bought goods for cash                            7,000

Arvind paid storage charges                               500

Babloo paid freight and insurance                      800

Babloo sold goods for cash                                 7000

Babloo received 3% commission on sales           210

Sales made by Arvind                                          5,000

Commission payable to Arvind                           150

Babloo took over the unsold stock                       560

Prepare the necessary ledger; accounts in the book of Arvind and Babloo assuming that the accounts are finally settled between them.

13.5.3 Memorandum Joint Venture Account Method

In 1he method discussed above each co-venturer records all transactions relating to the joint venture in the Joint Venture Account opened in his books, But. Uncle: the Memorandum Joint Vcnture Account Method each co-venturer will record only those transactions relating to the joint venture which are directly concerned with him, and not those of others. Under this method each co-venturer opens a Joint Venture Account including the name of the other co-verlturer. For example, if A and B are partners in a joint venture, then in the books of A it will be termed as 'Joint Venture with B account' and in the books of B it will be termed its 'Joint Venture with  Account': Each co-venturer will record only such transactions which are actually effected by him. For example, if goods are purchased by A for the joint venture, it will be recorded only by A and not by other co-venturers. Similarly, if goods are sold by B, it will be recorded in the books of B only. This account is in the nature of a personal account and, therefore, will not disclose the profit or loss of the venture. For that purpose. We prepare an additional account called 'Memorandum joint Venture Account'. This is like profit and Loss Alc.

Let us say A and B enter into a joint venture and certain transactions have taken place for which the following entries will be passed in each co-venturer's books.

As stated earlier, for ascertaining the profit or loss on the joint venture, we prepare a Memorandum Joint Venture Account. This account is prepared exactly on the pattern of Profit & Loss Account. Since this account does not form pan of the double entry system, the word 'Memorandum ' is prefixed.

The method of preparing [his account is vcry simple. It is prepare11 on the basis of .information supplied by all the co-venturers. The debit entries appearing in the personal accounts of all co-venturers are written on the debit side of the Memorandum Account and the entries appearing on the credit side of those accounts are shown on the credit side of the Memorandum Joint Venture Account. However, you should remember that the transactions which do not relate to an item of expense or income are to be excluded from this Memorandum Account. The difference in the totals of the debit side and the credit side represents profit or loss. The profit or loss thus calculated is then shared by the co-venturers in the agreed profit sharing ratio.

Each co-venturer will record only his share of profit or loss. In the event of profit, the entries shall be:

In the books of A.

Join Venture 'with B A/c               Dr.

To Profit & Loss A/c                                  

In the books of B.

Joint Venture with A A/c              Dr.

                                                           To Profit & Loss A/c        


In the event of Loss. The entries shall be reversed as follows:

In the books of A

Profit and Loss A/c                        Dr.

To Joint Venture with B A/c                   

In the books of B

Profit and Loss A/c                                     Dr.

To Joint Venture with A A/c                   

In the end each venture balances the 'Joint Venture with .................... Account' in his books and settles the account by paying or receiving cash. Look at Illustration 4 carefully to understand the Memorandum Joint Venture Account Method.

Illustration 4

Prem of Delhi and Satish of Calcutta entered into a joint venture for the purchase and sale of goods. The profits and losses are to be shared in the ratio of 2


Prem purchased goods for Rs. 40,000 and sent them to Satish paying Rs. 3,000 for freight and insurance. Prem also incurred sundry expenses amounting to Rs. 400. Satish sold goods for Rs. 55,000 and incurred Rs. 6,000 as expenses. Unsold stock valued at Rs. 7,000 was taken over by Satish. Satish remitted the balance due to Prem by a bank draft.

Each party's ledger contains a record of his own transactions in the Joint Venture

Account. Prepare (a) Memorandum Joint Venture Account, (b) Joint Venture with

Satish's Account in Prem's ledger, and (c) Joint Venture with Prem’s Account in

Satish's ledger. 


Interest in Joint Venture Transactions: When the co- Venture invest money in joint venture bushes\ and receive back the amounts on different dates, ir is quite usual for them to agree to calculate interest at a certain rate. Each co-venturer is entitled to receive interest on the amounts invaded by him and pay interest on the amounts received by him. You should remember that only the net interest receivable from, or payable to, the co-venturer is recorded in the Joint Venture Account. Thus, the net amount of interest is also taken into account before ascertaining the profit or loss on joint venture. For clarification look at illustration 5.


Illustration 5.

Anand and Bimal enter into joint venture sharing profits and losses equally. Anand purchased goods for Rs. 5,000 for cash and Bimal spent Rs. 1,000 on freight, etc., on January I, 1988. On the same day, Bimal bought goods for Rs. 10,000 on credit. Further expenses were incurred as follows:

Expenses were incurred as follows:

On 1-2- 1988           Rs. 1,000 by Bimal

On 1-3- 1988           Rs. 500 by Anand

Sales were made by each one of them as follows:

15-1-1988                Rs. 3,000 by Anand

31-1-1988                Rs. 6,000 by Bimal

15-2-1988                Rs. 3,000 by Anand

1-3-1988                  Rs. 4,000 by Bimal

Creditors for goods were paid as follows:

                        1-2-1998                  Rs. 5,000 by Anand

                        1-3-1988                  Rs. 5,000 by Bimal

On March 31, 1988 the balance of stock was taken over by Bimal at Rs. 9,000. The accounts between the co-venturers were settled by cash payment on this date. The co-venturers are entitled to interest at 12% per annum. Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of venturers as per Memorandum Joint Venture Account Method.


Check Your Progress-R

1 Put a tick (Right) in the box for the right answer.

a)     The goods supplied from his stock at cost by the co-venture maintaining the accounts. Are debited to.

i)       Sales Account

ii)     Purchases Account

iii)   Stock Account

b)     In Memorandum Joint Venture Account Method, the co-venturer records

i) His transactions only.

ii) Other co-ventures’ transactions only

iii) All the transactions of the Joint venture

c)     Memorandun1 Joint Venture Account is prepared to find out

i) Amount due from the co-venturers

ii) Profit or loss on the joint venture

iv)   One of the above

d)     The share of profit of the co-venturer maintaining the records is credited to

i) Profit and LOSS Account

ii) His personal account

iii) None of the above

e)     Any bad debts incurred on account of joint venture are debited to

i)     Bad Debts Account

ii)   Debtor's Personal Account

iii) Joint Venture Account

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