Bad Debts


 8.3.10 Bad Debts

Sometimes, a debtor may fail to gay his debt either partially or completely. The amount of debt which cannot be recovered from the debtor is called Bad Debts and it wiU be a loss to the business. The following journal entry is passed when a debt becomes bad. 
Bad Debts A/c Dr. 
To Concerned Debtor's A/c
The effect of this entry will be 
(i) debtor's personal account stands, closed, and 
(ii) a new account called 'Bad Debts Account' is opened in the books.

The total amount of bad debts incurred during the year appears as a separate item in the Trial Balance and the sundry debtors appear at the reduced amount. The bad debts like any other expense or loss are charged to the Profit and Loss Account.


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